Entries by Ami

Embracing Transformation: Trent’s Personal Journey with Gentle Teaching

As I reflect on my journey with Gentle Teaching, the profound impact it has had on both my personal and professional life becomes increasingly evident. Having been a part of COR for over a year, the philosophy of Gentle Teaching has not only shaped the person I am today but has also become a compass […]

Embracing Growth Through Gentle Teaching: A Personal Transformation

At COR, I initially never perceived myself as lacking in communication skills or empathy. However, my journey with Gentle Teaching has significantly enhanced my proficiency in these areas. Today, I find myself capable of navigating even the most challenging situations with enhanced communication skills. Moreover, I’ve learned to provide constructive criticism thoughtfully, inspiring rather than […]

Growth Through Gentle Teaching: A Journey of Compassion in Kinesiology

Embarking on my Kinesiology degree journey has been more than an academic pursuit; it has become a transformative exploration of caring for others. The resonance between my studies and the Gentle Teaching philosophy, particularly my experiences with COR, has been profound. Gentle Teaching, for me, is synonymous with prioritizing individuals, acknowledging their names, goals, and […]

Discovering Patience and Connection Through Gentle Teaching

Embarking on the Gentle Teaching journey has been a transformative experience for me, unveiling a new set of skills and reshaping my approach to human interactions. The most profound lesson has been the cultivation of patience. Previously, I found myself caught in the whirlwind of a fast-paced life, but working with the individuals I support […]

Cultivating a Culture of Gentleness: A Heartwarming Journey of Transformation and Unity

Gentle Teaching International is delighted to share an inspiring story that embodies the essence of a culture of gentleness, featuring Michael Lavis in the latest episode of Tardigrade Talks (SE01 E15) with Dr. Joti Samra. In this captivating conversation, Michael discusses how his non-profit charitable organization is dedicated to supporting individuals with disabilities. Delving into […]

Embracing Transformation: A Journey with Gentle Teaching at COR

As I reflect on my journey at COR, I am compelled to share how Gentle Teaching has profoundly impacted my perception of individuals with disabilities. When I initially joined, the concept of Gentle Teaching was both distinct and enigmatic to me. My preconceived notions about intellectually disabled individuals were, to be honest, tainted. Little did […]

Building Relationships and Community: Creative Options Regina’s Gentle Approach

In a Culture of Gentleness, Interactions are Warm, Welcoming, and Aimed at Nurturing Relationships Based on Equality and Interdependence. Our Focus is on Building a Sense of Companionship and Community with Those We Serve. These insightful words from Michael Lavis, CEO of Creative Options Regina (COR), encapsulate the compassionate philosophy that guides our mission. Established […]

Embracing Gentle Teaching: A Journey of Transformation

As I reflect on my journey with Gentle Teaching, I am reminded of the day Jim and Ben presented it to my class. Back then, the concept was entirely new to me, yet captivating. As they spoke of relationship building, autonomy, respect, and love, I couldn’t help but think, “This is exactly how all humans […]

Cultivating Connections Through Gentle Teaching: A Personal Journey of Transformation

Gentle Teaching has been a transformative force in shaping my personality and character. For me, it’s more than an approach; it’s a way of interacting with others that centers on empathy, patience, and reciprocal trust. It embodies the belief that every individual is unique, important, and deserving of fair treatment. It’s about fostering warm, caring, […]

Embracing a Paradigm Shift: Gentle Teaching Illuminates a New Approach

As I reflect on my journey with Gentle Teaching, a profound realization has reshaped my understanding of how we relate to and support individuals with intellectual disabilities. It’s a paradigm shift that challenges the conventional wisdom of “punishments and rewards” that I once believed to be the most effective approach. Previously, my mindset adhered to […]

Embracing Gentle Teaching: J.J.’s Journey

The vibrancy of belonging to the Creative Options Regina (COR) community is truly exhilarating. Within this organization, I’ve discovered a shared set of morals and values that resonate deeply with me. My journey with Gentle Teaching has been transformative, shaping my perspective on life in profound ways. It has been a journey that instilled in […]

Embracing Gentle Teaching: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation

The profound impact of Gentle Teaching on my life is a testament to its transformative power. It has been a guiding force, propelling me towards my goals and shaping me into the person I aspire to be. The past year has marked a significant chapter in my life—a period of profound change, personal growth, and […]